Each dot "•" is 0.1 astronomical units (AU).
One AU is the distance between the Sun and the Earth. (150 million kilometers/93 million miles)
*text does not add to distance
The Sun, 865,370 Mi Diameter
Mercury, 3,031 Mi Diameter
0.4 AU from previous location
Venus, 7,520 Mi Diameter
0.3 AU from previous location
Earth, 7,917 Mi Diameter
0.3 AU from previous location
Mars, 4,212 Mi Diameter
0.5 AU from previous location
Jupiter, 86,881 Mi Diameter
3.6 AU from previous location
Saturn, 72,367 Mi Diameter
3.9 AU from previous location
Uranus, 31,518 Mi Diameter
9.5 AU from previous location
Neptune, 30,599 Mi Diameter
11 AU from previous location